And on a lighter note, I decided to try out my new cake pan.
A bundt type and a dragon guarding its three eggs. Block party, enough people to eat such a thing, little kids around, when would be a better time, I figure.
I know, I bring a chocolate torte every year and someone’s going to be disappointed and if I totally mess this one up there just might be one of those after all. If I have time. Which I won’t. Tomorrow’s Kings Mountain, too, and I’ve been waiting all year to see Mel and Kris.
I could pour a ganache over the pound cake but I’m picturing more a caramel sauce. I don’t have the skill set yet to frost something so detailed and fragile.
About one more hour before I get to see if it comes out looking remotely right. I did thump the pan down hard several times on the counter to shift batter bubbles away from the pan surface before I put it in the oven.
If this comes out well, then I need a big enough crowd to do a castle cake and a dragon cake together. Suddenly thinking, y’know, candy corn would make great teeth and spikes on that thing…
Update: I used Martha Stewart’s Classic Pound Cake (it had more eggs and less flour and sugar than other recipes I found but the salt is a bit high, thus begging for that homemade caramel sauce) and baked it at 325 for 66 minutes. Could have taken it out a minute or two earlier. When it’s cool I’ll dare to turn it over and see how the design came out.
Second update: Nope, the center needed another ten minutes.
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