Filed under: Life
A little more super-power Seventh Generation on those two (it was two) spots and the dress is finally totally clean.
Meantime, a quick trip to Trader Joe’s and there was a mom with twin two-year-olds pushing mini-carts and an infant in a stroller. It was dinnertime. The toddlers were setting each other off in alternating and then cascading meltdowns, the baby was starting to fuss, and the mom looked like she was about to cry or yell or something right there in front of everyone while she was struggling mightily not to lose it.
Me, purse suddenly up on the seat of my cart, fishing through for finger puppets, thinking, no, you can’t give one a bright one and one a dull, no, not that one–yes! A zebra and a giraffe. (Found the second giraffe later.) Twin enough, and I offered them to the mom.
The look of gratitude on her face…
It didn’t make everything perfect but it made it a lot better. I saw her a few minutes later at checkout, the baby now up in the front pack. I told her, “I had four in six years.”
“So you know.” Said with great emphasis and relief.
“Yes,” I smiled. Her little ones were so adorable. All those curls just like mine had had.
And all because Costco didn’t have nonfat milk in stock and I had had to go run a second errand. I owe them a thank you.
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