Filed under: Politics
On air. As the reporters interviewed.
I am not by any means someone who feels there is no place for gun ownership. My husband and sons were taught at a rifle range at scout camp when they were younger. Grizzlies will happily eat you in Alaska. Etc.
But the blunderbuss and frontier of colonial days is not what we have now and our laws need to reflect current reality–and technology. If that requires a Constitutional amendment I’m all for it, although I will point out that before the current makeup of the Supreme Court the original version did the job quite well.
Parents cannot legally leave small children unattended but in Virginia a toddler by law can shoot a gun as soon as he is able to hold one up long enough to do so. Any size magazine. Cheers.
The thing about politicians is that by being voted into office they have a little more power than the rest of us do and we willingly give them that power.
And then some of them claim they have none because, y’know, peers. Or they sell it, or at the very least sell us out.
When someone invented a gun that could only be operated by its owner he got blasted by the NRA and sent death threats. Here was a champion of the Second Amendment who was threatening the income stream of the other gun manufacturers–because you wouldn’t want to have to, y’know, pay for any kind of licensing agreement on his invention.
Death threats. For trying to make guns safer.
There is now on average a multiple-victim shooting every day in America.
Every single politician who has voted for there to be zero restrictions whatsoever on guns is choosing to be complicit in those murders. Full stop.
7 Comments so far
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I agree 100%.
Comment by Elizabeth 08.27.15 @ 6:02 amI agree. This has GOT to stop!
Comment by Mary 08.27.15 @ 7:31 amI noticed that Wal-Mart has decided to stop selling assault rifles. This is a good start–an assault rifle is only for killing people. I have always had a hunting rifle. Now, I no longer hunt so it has gone to my grandson and family does my hunting. To me, a hunting rifle was a necessity, or my family would not have had meat in the cold Idaho winter.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 08.27.15 @ 8:49 amAmen, sister.
Note: while we still have violence and crime every day in Canada, it is not nearly so easy to do it without the prevalence of guns. I marvel at how much safer it is here statistically than in the last place I lived -in Kentucky,
Comment by joanne 08.27.15 @ 10:34 amWell said. Public safety is being hijacked so a small number of people can make a lot of money.
Comment by Beth in Maryland 08.27.15 @ 1:15 pmLeave a comment
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