Old dishwasher: out.
That took a lot longer than expected but we promised each other we would be all sweetness and light while working on this. He didn’t fit into some of the tight spaces and forgot that I might call a plier a screwdriver at the hour it had gotten to and at one point I stopped myself and went, Wait: I am being growly. And I stopped being growly
It is done.
Oh, wait, I know what I was going to say–I got a happy email from my doctor, saying: Scan read. Looks good.
4 Comments so far
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Oh! Yay! I’m so happy for you that the dishwasher removal wasn’t too much of a growly adventure AND that the scan looks good. Hope you both enjoy a relaxing weekend.
Comment by DebbieR 04.11.15 @ 7:16 amIt’s all good!
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 04.11.15 @ 7:55 amSo glad to hear the scan results were good.
And honestly, with as much grief as that dishwasher has caused, glad to hear it is good and gone.
Comment by twinsetellen 04.11.15 @ 12:07 pmLeave a comment
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