February. I planted the Indian Free two months ago. That was then. (This first picture is when it was just starting to sprout.)
This is now. I wasn’t going to let it fruit this first year but after shedding the others it was determined to grow that one peach, already bigger than the ones on the Babcock (which had started flowering a week earlier and will be ripe two months earlier), so I let it be.
Note to the squirrels: don’t even think about it.
3 Comments so far
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Wow! It must be exciting to walk into your own yard and pick fresh fruit!
Comment by Jody 04.19.15 @ 4:40 amOne peach won’t set it back enough to notice. And you will notice the peach!
Comment by twinsetellen 04.19.15 @ 4:10 pmLeave a comment
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