Filed under: Garden
The new leaves (which started this day) turn reddish before they turn green at full size.
The burn marks on the outer edges of the older leaves are from when I only had a black garbage bag to put over the tree at night–where the leaves touched it they were not happy after that exceptionally cold week of twenty-something-degree nights. The frost cover is much better, breathing, letting light in and still keeping it warmer, but better still would be to put some narrow stakes around the tree to suspend the cover above and off it. It’s above it now with that stake it came with, but it’s catching up to it fast.
Craft store? Where would you go? The 2x2s at the hardware store are a lot more massive than I want; I’m thinking more a size 15 knitting needle on stilts.
I can see the day coming soon when I will have to sew a bunch of frost covers together to make one giant one. (There are rocks on the bottom edges on the small chance of wind.) There will be more non-LED Christmas lights on it by then.
But it just amazes me how much our Alphonso mango has grown in the five weeks since we planted it. In winter! It seems to me that buying a vigorous variety in this climate, even though we’re going to keep it far shorter than it would do in its native one, is probably going to be protective against minor dieback like those leaf burns.
4 Comments so far
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It is loving the care it is getting. Home Depot should have fiberglass stakes (round about penny size) in different lengths. I use them as tomato stakes and they last for year but are very strong.
Sue O
Comment by sue o 02.03.15 @ 3:09 amGhost Mango! Jody beat me to it, but that is exactly what I saw.
Comment by twinsetellen 02.03.15 @ 7:33 pmWell, my immediate thought was bamboo stakes, available at many nurseries. You might do some telephoning to check prices…
By the way, I read your blog EVERY day, enjoy the variety you provide in your insights, knitting, family, and gardening posts.
Beverly near Yosemite
Comment by Beverly 02.04.15 @ 10:52 amLeave a comment
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