Not that, try this
Tuesday February 10th 2015, 11:20 pm
Filed under: Family,History,Life,Wildlife

The dishwasher fix? It was good for one single load Saturday. After much research we unscrewed the door again tonight to check for corrosion, but, nope. At least we found that a new control board (if that works) is half the price at Sears–which helps, because at this point with all the repairs this thing has needed since immediately after the warranty we’ll have spent enough to have bought a Bosch in the first place. If we could find a schematic for the electronics we might be able to bypass the start switch but all links to one seem to be broken. Maytag MDBH945AWB.

A better part of the day was when I was quite surprised to find five new flower buds on the struggling baby mandarin tree. It is much happier where I moved it to.

I did not see the male Cooper’s hawk coming in till he landed on the giant elephant ear just outside the window ten feet away from me. I had twice today accidentally flushed a dove from right next to the door and such things do not go unnoticed.

But I had nothing to offer. Only love and silent gratitude at his presence. He stayed a little while.

I stumbled across a story in the St. Louis newspaper that I thought deserved wider notice: small farmers feeding their families on land their local airport was happy to have them work for 35 years. The airport didn’t have to pay to maintain it and an underserved community worked for its fresh vegetables, lugging in water by hand as needed.

A developer bought that land and the farmers expected that at last that would be the end of it all.

It wasn’t.

They’re getting an irrigation system, restrooms, and a farming-only deed in perpetuity. Across the street.

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I love the story about St. Louis. Thanks.

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 02.11.15 @ 9:09 am

I can recommend the Bosch dishwasher…we inherited one when we moved into our house here in Canada. It is a very basic one–and small, too–but we’ve run it, at minimum, once a day for the last 3.5 years and it is a workhorse. Got all those kid accessories clean, too….an amazing washer, better than even my most hearty kenmores in the past.
–loved the St. Louis article.

Comment by joanne 02.11.15 @ 7:01 pm

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