Unlike the eye-doc-in-the-box we once saw in New Hampshire 30 years ago, the local surgicenter thankfully does not have closed-circuit TV to the waiting room whereby the patient’s family can watch their loved one’s cataract surgery. I mean gee, I always wanted to… (Or not so much. Gack.)
We tried to schedule it before the kids coming home and the wedding and the birth of the baby and everything else, but today was the day and he needed to see.
An hour and a half after we got there, we were on our way home with me at the wheel and him exclaiming that dark cover-up glasses and all, he could already see so much better. SO much better! He was looking at everything with a delight that reminded me of when I got my first pair of glasses in third grade. Comparing his eyes. Taking it all in.
When Holly and George were here, she told me that it’s better to wait to have it done (like we did) till it really has to be done: it makes it easier to put up with the adjustments that come with it. You know what you’re not having to go through anymore and why you appreciate the skills of that eye surgeon.
He does, oh, he does.
(p.s. My new Mac gave up on trying to change the word yarnovers in an email I was typing to the word earners; now it’s auto-corrected it four times to carnivores instead. And having typed that word, it’s done it six times more. Trying again. Yarnovers yarnovers carnivores carnivores carnivores –okay, that’s funny. It left the first two and last one as I corrected them to and grabbed the ones in the middle that I had previously gotten to hold still and I am just going to leave them on display for now. As presented by Apple. And now it’s grabbed the last one and I don’t even know when.)
Yarnovers yarnovers yarnovers I WILL win this one.
6 Comments so far
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Happy to hear the eye surgery went so well. It’s amazing what they can do!
Comment by Jody 01.06.15 @ 3:50 amGlad it’s done, and glad that even the initial results are so very positive!
Comment by Pam 01.06.15 @ 12:59 pmHappy for your hubby! There is an option to tell spell check to ignore spelling, or learn spelling, or some such, or both such. ????
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 01.06.15 @ 3:26 pmYarnovers reminds me of a time a fellow knitter forgot to bring her pattern to a knitting group meeting.
She called home asking her husband to please read the pattern to her. He didn’t realize yo is an abbreviation for yarnover. There were many yos in his description.
Comment by RobinM 01.07.15 @ 4:51 pmOh yes, I do remember how much difference the cataract surgery made. I had both eyes done several years ago — I had two different types of cataracts, one in each eye — and I know now they have even better lenses to use. So glad it’s done and over with, though. I think the anxiety before was worse than the reality.
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 01.18.15 @ 4:42 pmI’ve had my phone for well over a year, and it still has yet to learn my husband’s name. His name is PAT! Pat! Three letters!
I won’t even tell you what it tries to do to poor Gozer.
Comment by Lanafactrix 01.19.15 @ 12:39 amLeave a comment
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