Seated a ways behind her, I snapped pictures of the bride’s grandmother in a wheelchair, hands high and clapping enthusiastically. Snapsnapsnapsnapsnapsnapsnap and then looklooklook oh yes I did manage to capture the action after all–with three or four shots in between that looked like she was holding still.
It was only fair to go introduce myself and show her her photo. She has email? Cool, could I send her this really good one?
Not that I could hear that address over the music–I handed my phone to her granddaughter, who typed it in, I added a subject line since it was going to be coming from a completely unknown-t0-her address, and together we hit send and the three of us grinned at our success.
The bride and groom were lovely and that love was utterly contagious. A wonderful time was had by all.
And then a number of our relatives adjourned to Michelle’s house with us to keep the conversation going over even more good food. Much laughing, with nobody wanting it to end. We got well into the yawn zone.
I looked around the room, wondering when I would even get to see some of them again. Our children are getting older with more responsibilities and more dispersed.
But Richard’s other sister has a son who just announced his engagement, so, hopefully, not too long.
We got up early and dropped John off at the airport. And it is very, very quiet around here.
4 Comments so far
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the quiet after a very happy storm! sounds like you’ve had a very wonderful week
Comment by Bev 01.04.15 @ 9:07 amSafe travels to your son! I’m so glad you all had a wonderful time and were able to enjoy those loving and caring moments.
Here’s to you, and Richard, meeting Madison soon!
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 01.05.15 @ 8:27 amWe had a really busy Christmas season, daughter home from school, daughter home from mission, other daughter here briefly after a research conference. I’ve been telling people that we’ve been distracted because all Heaven broke loose at our place.
Comment by LauraN 01.05.15 @ 7:24 pmLeave a comment
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