He was dreaming that I’d gotten up and after 34 minutes he finally rolled over to turn that stupid alarm off himself, growling inwardly at my forgetting to–and there I still was, sound asleep. Oh oops.
Made it through the traffic and rain to that doctor appointment on time by the skin of my teeth.
Which is why I was 2/3 of the way there before I realized that in the rush and the quiet of the house I’d forgotten to grab my hearing aids. Oh goodness.
I was mortified, saying, and honestly so, “I never do that. I *never* do that!” The nurse laughed it off and was wonderful. The doctor, thankfully, had a deep voice and knowing his patient’s deafness well he pulled up a chair to face the opposite direction while being close in and I only had to ask him once to repeat himself. Blessings on the both of them.
Got home in time to do some quick sprucing up (now there’s a good Christmas-centric term for it. Douglas firs, no for some reason but spruces, yes–I guess some trees are just the fir-tunate f-yew, the rest can balsam) before some friends dropped by. They left in time for us to get out the door for our haircuts to be ready for Ryan’s wedding coming up before Gwyn of the most-perfect scissors goes out of town. Got home, grabbed a quick bite (have you had anything all day other than that sliver of birthday cake? No, me neither. Here let me grab this so we don’t shop hungry) and went to the grocery store. Got home in time to grab another quick bite and get ready to go see a friend who just lost his mom after a supposedly routine surgery last week. Yow.
While we kept an ear out for our phones to hear if our granddaughter had arrived early like her brothers had.
Fourteen hours after that alarm I’m finally actually sitting down at home for longer than ten minutes. Oh wait, hold that thought…
2 Comments so far
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Hold that thought? Did a phone call come in?! I plan to bustle today in my first day off of holiday vacation – all the holiday prep that hasn’t been done so it can be mailed in time to be under dear ones’ spruces, or firs, or yews, or balsams, or…
Comment by twinsetellen 12.18.14 @ 6:31 amI feel ya! Same around here…waiting on a good friend and a DIL to have babies (friend due 12/17!, DIL due 1/12)…and all this stuff to do! lol! Don’t forget to breathe…and eat!
Comment by Pam 12.18.14 @ 7:53 amLeave a comment
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