Monday December 22nd 2014, 12:12 am
Filed under: Family
Filed under: Family
Michelle’s ward meets two hours earlier than ours does and John went off with her.
Which means we came home from church to find the tree up and a whole bunch of other Christmas-readying stuff done as a surprise: parental figures walking in the door and noticing in 1, 2, 3…!
One other surprise: a photo Michelle had found of my husband’s great-grandfather all dressed up as Santa ~1885.
Looks to me like some handspinner tried to hide that last bag of merino fleece up the chimney and forgot it was up there.
2 Comments so far
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What a wonderful day you all had, it seems!
Way to go John and Michelle. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 12.22.14 @ 7:08 amLeave a comment
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