Should have thought of this years ago.
Weird light reflections. A (very faint) smell Nature never made. The edges randomly flying up when a bird flutters down nearby and probably making a squeaky sound when they do.
Nothing has dared yet actually step on the stuff but I’ve seen some grand leaps sideways in avoidance.
We had been having so many squirrels of late.
Bubble wrap. That’s all it took. Just for a little while, while they re-learn some manners. I popped a bubble or two going by but resisted the impulse to squish them all–gotta leave some to do their job.
Maybe the peach clamshells next Spring could use an outer liner against raccoon prying–Christmas packages will be coming soon and let’s hope for no packing peanuts this year, I have other plans.
Meantime, we staked out the Page orange tonight and made it ready for a tarp come hint of frost. The weatherman says our nights are still eighteen degrees warmer than the norm but the fuzz and the fat on the squirrels and the layers of sweaters on me say that no, it really is getting chilly out there.
May tomorrow be warm with laughter and good folks and good times shared. Travel safely. Happy Thanksgiving!
2 Comments so far
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Happy Thanksgiving.
Comment by RobinM 11.27.14 @ 5:21 amHope you are enjoying a wonderful day.
Comment by DebbieR 11.27.14 @ 11:33 amLeave a comment
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