Lots of living crammed into a single day.
I went to the funeral mass of the woman who had been my dad’s last surviving high school classmate, a beautiful service for a woman who’d lived her 88 years loving every person who’d crossed her path. Every time my folks had flown into town Marcelline and Bill had invited us all up for lunch and Dad and she had swapped stories in that beautiful home overlooking the Bay far below and we’d had a grand old time. Many fond memories.
Bill passed earlier this year and now he has his sweet wife back.
The family invited me on up to her house afterwards and I was glad to go. I’m going to link to a blog post about Marcelline and Bill here so that they can find it.
It did mean that I ended up spending twenty minutes out in the late-afternoon sun.
I came home and checked in with Richard. He’d wanted to go but his job had done the two-ended candle thing of late, a lot harder to do when you’re not in your 20s anymore, and he was simply wiped–he was sound asleep when I walked in.
An old friend of ours from back in his doctoral days at Stanford was in town to give a lecture tonight, one of several, and again, we wanted to go.
And again, Richard had to pass, and at the last second I called a friend nearby and asked if she were going? I’d done sun time so I wasn’t sure driving home after ten was going to be wise; could I bum a ride?
Sure! (She knows my lupus re the sun.)
And so I went, again offering Richard’s regrets but glad he was finally getting some rest.
I came home to find the phone had rung after he’d woken up: our niece was stranded and could we pick her up?
Because I’d caught that ride he had the car now and he could. He could always rest again afterwards, and did.
I can just see Marcelline, who so adored her nieces and nephews, making sure ours got taken care of too when she needed it. Looking out for others was the way she’d lived. Go call Phyllis. (I thought of it and didn’t do it and then I felt it more persistently.) Go call Phyllis. I called Phyllis.
Good friends make for, as Chan likes to say, no coincidences.
3 Comments so far
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What a full day of connections and community. I hope Richard is rested and refreshed this morning.
Comment by Channon 11.09.14 @ 5:47 amit always feels good when you know you are in the right place — sounds like that was true for both of you!
Comment by Bev 11.09.14 @ 8:58 amTwo-ended candle thing is definitely easier when one is younger. There are loads of young people where I work. I’ve seen a picture of the 60-year-old at midnight, asleep on an office sofa.
Comment by RobinM 11.09.14 @ 5:21 pmLeave a comment
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