So there was a bag, not a big one but it had persimmons of course for offering around at my lupus group today. The number of people who might come is always random so I tried to make sure nobody would be left out. And so there were enough.
It was fun to see every single face light up.
And then everybody was being too polite and the things just sat there.
Our allotted time in the hospital conference room was ending so I declared flat-out, I am not taking these home. Meaning, I know you like them but I will hand them out to random passers-by in the hallways and that is a threat.
And just like that they were all spoken for and everybody who wanted some got some. (One person would have loved but could not eat them.)
A young man whose Mom’s baby shower I got invited to when we first moved here (I knew nobody–it was very kind of her friend at church to welcome me in that way) making it real easy for me to remember how old he is knocked on my door this afternoon, and so we helped the neighbors get rid of some more persimmons. He’ll be sharing too.
But it’s not fair to take all the low-hanging ones, and so this evening Richard and I went off to the hardware store and bought an extending-arm fruit picker, one of those useful things that you only have to buy once, and I sent them off a note offering to use that to pick some for them to give away, too. It’s not fair for me to have all the fun.
As I was typing this the oven timer beeped.
I will glaze the chocolate tortes tomorrow and you know where one of them is going.
1 Comment so far
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I hope you get lots of future use from that extending-arm fruit picker!
Comment by LynnM 11.13.14 @ 11:09 amLeave a comment
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