Yeah, I went out there. But not to the malls.
Phyllis wanted to beat the crowds so we got there at nine. Meaning that while other people were out Black Friday shopping the 6am-noon specials, we were at the San Jose Harvest Festival with guest passes via Mel and Kris and having an easy time of it.
Phyllis and I both bought some of their pottery (no surprise) and they offered to hold it for us so we wouldn’t have to lug it all around, since we’d just gotten there.
Mel happened to mention to me that some of their customers had asked them how to keep squirrels away from their birdfeeders, now that they sell ceramic hangers stuffed with fleece from their sheep for birdnesting materials.
(And wasn’t that piece a birdhouse? That was new.)
“Bubble wrap,” says I.
“Bubble wrap?!” as he started to envision…
Kris blinked, “Yeah–their claws…!”
And the light reflections and the fact that it doesn’t hold still and I’m still waiting for that first loud pop.
“GENIUS!” He added, “Did you think of this yourself?”
“Only took me five years,” I grinned. Or five decades, but never mind.
I found the pomegranate folks again; I said to the woman, Remember how I told you the bottle I’d given my daughter had been bad? (She’d apologized that they must have accidentally handed me the opened demo bottle last year and she’d replaced it when I saw her in San Mateo.)
Well, she absconded not only with the new one but with some of the other stuff, too.
So I was there to buy a new batch and we swapped mom stories, our kids being the same age, and she laughed when I said with just the right amount of teasing petulance that my daughter was “Just going to have to buy. her. own! next time.”
She said the show special was one of everything they had there plus this many of the less-expensive items, your choice, this price. I bought not only that but another three of the fruit spread. Yeah I could mail-order it. No I didn’t ever get around to it but once this past year. So my goal was to buy what I wanted for the whole coming year (as if!) But I could try.
We turned to go and I glanced back just in time to see her do an overhead high-five with the guy she was working with. Caught! More laughter. Priceless. And good, I hope they do a fantastic business, Skylake deserves it.
Bought great olive oil from the couple that owns those trees.
We left when the crowds started picking up, stopping by to pick up the pomegranate box–more teasing both ways, more laughing–and then to Mel and Kris’s.
I still have two more to go before I have a dozen bowls to match the number of plates and mugs, but at least I’m now closer by two. Another toddler mug against the day of breakage and a spoon rest.
That bag looked big but I didn’t think anything of it.
I got home and started putting things away.
Wait, what?
I pulled a big box of Ghirardelli chocolate squares out.
I found a paper bag with a note from Kris.
There were handmade soaps and lotion from the milk from the goats on their farm.
Those big grins on their faces, if only we’d known. I love it. They totally got me.
4 Comments so far
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I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that you had totally gotten them a time or two.
Comment by RobinM 11.29.14 @ 11:08 amIt’s always a great feeling to pull one over on something in that way!
Comment by LauraN 11.29.14 @ 1:59 pmLeave a comment
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