If you have room for a pot, you have room for one of these new-variety trees, although you’re going to need two for pollination if there aren’t any other apple trees around–but aren’t those cool? Eighteen to twenty-four inches across fully grown, eight to ten feet tall.
Our next-door neighbor’s Gravenstein, a locally-famous old variety, died some time ago and she was lamenting to me the other day that she misses it still.
Between our properties there was once a towering but dying pine tree just over on her side. We had been concerned it would fall and the direction it was most likely to fall was on our house. Taking it out, though–one guy knocked on my door wanting seven grand for the job. Gack.
Then came the time in ’03 when I was in the hospital trying not to die of my Crohn’s disease the first time. Our neighbor’s response when she found out was to want to do something: so she picked up the phone and got that monster tree cut down.
We like having that part of the front yard opened up. And yet… It’s been long enough that the pine roots are pretty much one with the soil now.
Twenty-four inches and straight-up growth. It won’t block our way, it won’t block her gate and outgrowing its space will never be an issue. We can put it just to our side of the property line and still have plenty of room, and Stark Bros tells me that my other apples on the far side of the property will be all it needs to produce.
These won’t be Gravensteins but they will be tart ones; I went for the Tangy Greens to keep the critters disinterested. I have friends in the area with a Granny Smith that their squirrels leave alone.
The tree ships out Monday and with Fall planting they say the roots may well make enough headway for it to start producing the first year.
We’ve already told her they are hers for the picking. Anytime.
And then I told her why.
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My friend Jeannette has one, she has a little wedge of a side-front yard, and the tree sits on the edge of the vegetable garden. The only problem has been that deer like it. This year they were successful in creating a sufficient barrier, and finally got some apples. They don’t produce a lot, but they’re fun.
Comment by Marian S. 11.26.14 @ 12:59 amI can’t wait to see those apples, and dream of how they taste! I also cannot wait to find a squirrel shawl on your needles – triple-ought at least, right? 🙂
Comment by Pam 11.26.14 @ 2:07 pmLeave a comment
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