So here I was in the last meeting at church today, where we were sharing experiences of moments in our lives where we felt the nearness of God and how His love makes all the difference–and how we had been able or had come to be able to recognize that in relation to the experience being discussed, because we don’t always. Sometimes you have to wait for time and perspective to give you that ah-hah.
And sometimes it’s pretty darn obvious right then and there. There were some profound experiences shared.
This was not one of them: while all this was going on, I looked down and suddenly noticed the button had popped off my blouse right at belly button level. Somewhere, some time, presumably at church. Great. I was wearing a silk T underneath so modesty wasn’t the issue here, just, the loose overblouse was also silk and the two being quite slippery against each other, that gap showed nicely any time I moved.
I wanted my silly button back.
And I wanted this not to have happened the very first time I wore that pretty blouse–knowing, though, that for $12 at clearance I really didn’t have too much room to complain. (But I’d *liked* those buttons on that blouse!)
It finally dawned on me that I was sitting here listening to a discussion on how God cares about us individually while I was letting myself be distracted by a small inner crisis of certainly no particular account. I apologized to the Above for not paying enough attention while saying a little prayer of, if it’s findable, if it’s in this building, if I could get it back? That would really really be nice right now.
I had already lifted my purse and looked under it three times. I had already glanced all around me, trying not to be distracting to others. But at the inner “amen” I looked down again and there it was right there right between Alice’s feet right next to me. No need to worry about vacuum cleaners later.
I dived down quickly and held up my prize in triumph for a nanosecond, way too pleased.
Nobody else had any idea, of course.
Object lesson to the lesson, I laughed with Alice afterwards. Human cluelessness, divine caring…
…And a cosmic chuckle: Go my child and sew-‘n’em more.
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Personally, my belief is that any God who gave us a world with buttons would understand our distress at losing one. Glad you found it! 🙂
Comment by Virginia 11.24.14 @ 7:32 pmLeave a comment
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