An old classmate from long ago now lives near where we used to in New Hampshire. I was reminiscing over a fruit stand on Old Route 3 back in the ’80’s and their Spencer apples–the best apples ever, and a variety I’d never found since we’d moved to California.
A box showed up on our doorstep today. …Betsy! Thank you!
Just look at those fingers barely showing around that Spencer.
There are a couple other types for us to taste test to see if the real thing matched the memories and how they compared to, say, Honeycrisps. Dunno–because I waited till Richard got home so that that first taste would be a shared experience and then we polished off a Spencer each.
Managed to get a little dinner in, too.
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You’re going to need more land for your orchard! Or one of those trees w/a different grafted variety on each branch.
Comment by LynnM 11.07.14 @ 10:00 amLeave a comment
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