Filed under: Knitting a Gift
Gradually building my strength back post-flu, including in my hands. I’ve had to stop knitting to ice my hands about every hour’s worth and have been reluctant to push it.
And yet somehow I’m still about 3500 stitches further into the baby blanket than I was this morning, with more than that yesterday, going from two and a half motifs to nearly six in that time with about fifteen to go.
(And here is where I wave a picture at the blog, except that I’m still trying to keep at least some of it a surprise.)
3 Comments so far
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Thank you for being patient and way to go on the progress. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 10.16.14 @ 8:44 am“Wave a picture at the blog” — OK, we can see that one. Super concept. Sort of takes care of the smoke ring for my niece, pullover for me if it fits right, and right, the pair of baby booties for the fund raiser that I decided were happening next.
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 10.16.14 @ 1:17 pmI almost caught a glimpse of that blanket there. It looked pretty good!
Comment by twinsetellen 10.16.14 @ 6:18 pmLeave a comment
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