Pulse oximeter’s lowest reading last night: 90%. Way better.
Saw a black squirrel on the fenceline just beyond our property today where the fences intersect and its behavior caught my eye. It was both relaxed, laying down there, and…not. Its legs dangled lazily in the record heat (90! In October!) while its head kept bobbing up and down.
Gauging, gauging, gauging. It stood up quickly and
Richard, working in the next room: “What’s holy cow?”
It had taken a massive leap to the neighbor’s tree and that tree was ten, maybe even twelve feet away from it. There was the slight arc upwards and a swiftly-sharpening arc downwards as it sank, front feet stretched far forward tail straight back. Whether it had enough momentum to manage to desperately grab on near the bottom of that big tree or not I couldn’t tell because my fence was in the way but it was sure going to be a close call if it did.
Y’know? All it had to do was amble down alongside my cherry tree and the tree it coveted would have been right there.
You just don’t have to do it the hard way.
2 Comments so far
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Crazy squirrel. And have the socks been put away (ha!)
Comment by LynnM 10.04.14 @ 12:38 amYay for the better oxygen reading!
Keep up the good rest. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 10.04.14 @ 6:05 pmLeave a comment
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