Well, that was an interesting day.
And it’s not my story to tell here. But there are times when a kid needs more than a hug from their mom; having a sibling with expertise in the field was the best thing, and so the one called the other immediately and pretty much settled that right then and there and made everything okay again. Phew.
I love that my kids look out for each other like that.
4 Comments so far
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Well, good! And I do hope they are OK, and that you are feeling better, too.
Comment by DebbieR 10.24.14 @ 9:49 pmProud Mama, you can enjoy that sense of relief knowing your kids look after each other.
Comment by LynnM 10.25.14 @ 8:54 amSending a prayer of gratitude and smiling as I read you.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 10.26.14 @ 5:39 pmIsn’t that a great feeling? I love it when my kids do that, too. Their parents must have done something right, right?!? 🙂
Comment by Pam 10.29.14 @ 7:55 amLeave a comment
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