My doctor told me to get my flu shot as soon as I, in her words, wasn’t very sick.
And so Richard was going to leave work early and get me to the clinic before their flu-shot nurse called it a day at 5:00. I just wasn’t up to running lots of errands on my own yet.
The lights were not with us. We got there 5:02, no dice. Oh well.
It was a moment of truth: I just really, really didn’t want to have to worry about going through the last two weeks all over again if I could do anything about it–I wanted that shot done with. (He’d already gotten his.) And so we drove across town to Costco.
Pro tip: that was the fewest people I have seen in that store in ages, 5:25 must be the right time to go.
Not to mention the fewest infectious agents around us and for me to be around them.
There were questions to check off: are you currently sick? I simply left that one blank and they did not call me on it. Do you have any immune disease such as AIDS or cancer? Uh, yes no no–so, yes.
They made me wait 15 minutes while they shuffled paperwork. I had not brought my knitting, deliberately: my hands needed a break after major baby blanket time, but I’d forgotten my book, too. It is a sign of how quickly I’d run out of steam that I forgot that I could simply read the news on my phone.
I sat on their bench that faced a towering display of Men’s L/XL incontinence help (charming), noting the heavy towers of pallets to right and left, the emergency exit door thataway, and plotting my duck-and-cover should the quake strike. I’ve been under swinging chandeliers before, but at least they were anchored to the ceiling. Get away from those aisles. (The bored mind in earthquake country.)
And then they called me into a back room and the deed was done. I cannot begin to tell you what a relief it is that that is so. I have my flu shot. The world is a slightly safer place.
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Costco is my go to place for my flu shot the last couple of years. Hubband’s office is in one of several “satellite clinics” in town and closest to us, but I can’t get my shot there (neither can he if he misses employee-shot day). They want me to make an appointment downtown with my doctor (ten miles into town and terrible parking options). Granted, our insurance won’t pay for it if I don’t have it done with them, for the $10 Costco charges, I don’t really mind. By the time I drove in and paid for parking at the clinic, I would pay that anyway. Today is the day for me!
Comment by Barbara 10.14.14 @ 9:15 amGood. I wonder when ours will happen? We’re waiting on the county…
Comment by Channon 10.15.14 @ 7:21 pmLeave a comment
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