Saw yesterday’s cowl recipient at church and stopped her a moment, just to make sure: would she prefer some other color? Because if so I had a ton of yarn and I…
She stopped me right there: No no she LOVED the bluegreen in the one she got, it was perfect! It could *never* be better than that one.
And the enthusiasm in her voice said this: it wasn’t just about the color. It was about the moment in which she’d received the thing from my hands. Never take it away or diminish it, it was the only one with that memory and so it was the best there could possibly be. (And she truly did love that color.)
She has no idea how much she gave me. Again.
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Isn’t that the essence of giving – not the thing, but the act, the moment of connection. No wonder she didn’t want a different color!
Comment by twinsetellen 09.22.14 @ 6:20 pmAnd every time she wears the cowl, she’ll remember that moment of connection. I remembered such a moment this morning on one of the first cool mornings of autumn way over here in the East. Ocean colors are some of the best colors evah.
Comment by RobinM 09.24.14 @ 11:18 amLeave a comment
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