Filed under: Life
And at the other end of life…
Sitting in church, the meeting about to start: a quiet, “Would you like to hold her?” knowing of course I absolutely would.
Always wear soft clothes. You never know when you’ll get to cuddle an infant.
A slight, steady rocking, a tiny hand on my arm. I turned her to be facing towards her mommy, and instead of fussing at the space separating them, she relaxed into my arms.
After several minutes of mutual bliss she melted entirely and was asleep.
Five minutes before the end of the meeting, of her own timing, she suddenly blinked and stirred. She’s not quite old enough to sit up on her own yet but she managed to turn and look up into my face and hair, puzzling it out: you are not my mommy.
Her mommy smiled at her.
And that was enough. Sweet Janey stayed quietly happy where she was until it was time to go.
5 Comments so far
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In true Gramma fashion, I totally teared up at this…we are a moment, He is forever. So thankful for moments like this in my life, and in yours.
Comment by Pam 09.08.14 @ 1:30 pmWhat a sweet gift! That mother gave you snuggly joy, and you gave her time to breathe in her own space, for just a bit.
Comment by Channon 09.08.14 @ 5:49 pmSometimes sweet little girls won’t fall asleep on their mommies because they smell like the equivalent of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for holding and napping sweet Janey. It was a nice break for me. I know it’s hard for us to be apart from our parents (and you probably have similar feelings with the distance between you and your own grandkids). I’m glad we have each other to lean on :-). Let me know if you need more Janey snuggles.
Comment by Jessica 09.09.14 @ 9:47 pmLeave a comment
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