Up above the seven-foot doorway, ordered extra tall so that the men of (or who grew up in) this household wouldn’t have to duck to go through their own doors at home at least, we spotted it. And the resident short person who’d birthed a 6’9″er could only laugh. You guys…
Okay, well, that one’s easy for the kids to replace, the bubbles wouldn’t have passed the 3 oz limit on liquids anyway.
One can only wonder how an airplane full of people would have reacted to little airborne soap circles wafting over their heads coming from two happy toddlers. (Not while snacks are being served.) One could hope.
I remember the newspaper story about the financial district in San Francisco completely shutting down once: it was snowing, real actual snowflakes in California right at lunch break as if by special order and all these people in business suits poured out of the skyscrapers and blocked the roads as they chased the little miracles of nature, trying to catch them on their tongues like little kids. Look! Snow! Here!
Um, maybe not so much so with the soap. Still.
(Hudson reaching for the Iphone.) I find myself torn between leaving it up there as a happy remembrance that the little boys were here–and my practical side that doesn’t want any kind of projectile right next to glass in an earthquake.
Eh. We’ll eventually get around to both of us remembering at the same time while in the same room because I sure can’t reach it. Till the day, there is a bubbles bottle all ready for Parker and Hudson to come back and play with us again.
Balls that bend and bounce against mere air, rainbows appearing and then rolling away, sudden splashes mid-air of their own: you never outgrow blowing bubbles together.
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As I catch up today on the adventures of your visit, it looks like a good time was had by all! Yay! And a bubbly reminder? Perfect. Not quake-safe, perhaps, but perfect just the same. 🙂
Comment by Pam 09.03.14 @ 9:15 amLeave a comment
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