Friday September 19th 2014, 11:12 pm
Filed under: Lupus
Filed under: Lupus
I always thought having a hyperactive immune system with no sense of direction ought to be useful for fighting off cells that actually shouldn’t be there. Say, cancer.
7 Comments so far
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Smart woman. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 09.20.14 @ 5:45 am???
Comment by LauraN 09.20.14 @ 6:35 pmOK–I has missed the link the first time. I’ve got it now.
Comment by LauraN 09.20.14 @ 6:36 pmHow interesting! My mother and I were just talking about The Roosevelts and how, in the 30’s, there was no vaccine to prevent polio. And now less than 100 years later, doctors are looking at redirecting an autoimmune disease to fight cancer at the cell DNA level.
Comment by Deb 09.20.14 @ 10:00 pmHow cool!Since RF diseases run in my family and I have one myself, I was interested to see this and have posted it to Facebook, where most of my family hangs out. Thanks!
Comment by Shirley Richardson-McCourt 09.23.14 @ 4:45 pmLeave a comment
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