Filed under: Family
Having met my husband when I was oh, about a week old….
We were talking (again) about maybe putting in hardwood floors (we wish) when we started reminiscing about the ones we’d grown up with. Waxing the floors was a big chore whenever it had had to be done.
I told him my grandmother used to make it a game for her kids, putting the wax down and then having them slide across the floor, sock-skating on the newly slippery-slip.
Till the day my mom kept right on going right on through the window. Oops.
“Like mother like daughter,” says he.
Busted. “Yeah but mine was a storm door that I thought was ajar.” A glass one, of course. I’d tried to push it the rest of the way open while running and had had just enough time for the amazed flash of wow, I didn’t know glass bends! Uh…
Busted. We were both chuckling.
I guess when we’ve known each other all our lives we just plain can’t get away with anything, huh.
Parker and Hudson are bringing their parents to play with us next week. We have floor-to-ceiling glass all over this house and y’know? Carpeting might not be such a bad idea after all.
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Don’t blame Grammy; the idea to slide along the floor was my idea. She was horrified! Love, Mom
Comment by Mom 08.21.14 @ 9:29 amMy son Richard once was running through the house and put his hand through the pane of a French door. He immediately started screaming, “Oh, no, it hurts, it hurts!” I caught him and pried open his hands, looking for gaping wounds. “What hurts?” I asked.
“When Daddy spanks me,” he replied.
So I made sure he got a couple of bandaids, but no spankings.
Comment by LauraN 08.21.14 @ 4:23 pmHeh. I love it. Of course, you already know that I’ve known the Knight since we were very little kiddos too…
Comment by Channon 08.22.14 @ 5:10 pmLeave a comment
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