It came it came!
And I wasn’t even home. I was at a carpet store way down in San Jose and Richard was working from home so he’s the one who got to answer the doorbell; he told me he called out, “Thank you!” to the UPS driver heading back to his truck, as one does.
I got the text while comparing berber vs plush and how it would feel on a crawling baby’s knees or little boys tumbling down. I tried not to be jealous as I drove home.
I took pictures of the box. Dusk never felt so far off. Hurry, hurry! I finally had to at least see and slid it out and found it looked like a NASA experiment.
A little while later, not wanting to risk drying it out or anything…I peeked some more. Cute little kitten’s-paw leaves sneaking upwards.
At last it was 7:00, Wunderground said UV was 1 out of 12, I declared it good enough, lupus-wise–but before I went outside, I asked Richard once again if he thought I should widen the back of the hole away from that pipe.
“I don’t know,” he said honestly. He offered to help but since this was my baby he let me do it myself like I wanted.
Got the spade, put the tip exactly right there and gave it one good heave ho pushing down hard with my foot.
I actually don’t quite know how the next thing that came to be was that I was suddenly facing the other way, rear end to one side of the hole and the backs of my legs–well, mostly one–fully scraped and muddy down the calf, but my feet were way over up on the other side and how did they get there and all in one nice smooth motion and I have no idea how that happened. At all.
Okay, maybe not so much on the widening thing. It’s trying to tell me something there and me, I try to be a good listener. Really, I do.
I looked at the hole. I looked at the dug-up dirt to the side, which was full of now-dry clumps and gravel and it would all need to be figured out which was which: the former owners did love their (now deeply embedded, 50-60 years later) gravel path. The obvious hit me at long last–I definitely needed better soil than what I had there and I should have thought of that sooner. Dad and his rhododendrons and all that.
So I was glad I’d gotten an earlyish start and headed over to the hardware store less than a mile away. Bought two bags, organic, pasteurized chicken poop, the works. The fellow they asked to help me to my car with them looked bored and like he couldn’t wait for that work day to be over so I thought I’d lighten it up a little by sharing in brief my sense of anticipation: the commissioned truck. The Page mandarins you couldn’t get any other way. The thirty-seven years since I’d had one, and finally, “My tree came today.”
Suddenly he had this big surprised grin all over his face and he teased me that I was going to have to bring some of those mandarins back to that store for him to test out, y’know! To make sure they were good enough!
Richard got those heavy bags out of the car for me and over to the spot and I got back to it.
And…I didn’t have enough soil, clearly, from trying too hard not to spend too much money on my hobbies…. But you only get one chance to start that tree off right. I checked with him. Orchard Supply Hardware was still open. Back I go.
The guy did a doubletake as he spotted me going past his aisle again: “Back already?!”
“Yeah, needed more soil,” I said to him. “Just, don’t fall in the hole,” and I did a quick below-the-knee skirt hoist to show him the row’d rash. He started to gasp but then since I was laughing a good one he about fell over in relieved guffaws. It WAS funny.
“You’re REALLY going to love those oranges now!” he told me.
Y’know? He was right.
4 Comments so far
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I once fell off a pony backwards, hit my shoulder, bonked my helmeted head–and came away with a sprained ankle. Sometimes we middle aged ladies manage to violate laws of physics, don’t we? Good luck with the tree.
Comment by LauraN 08.14.14 @ 2:07 pmFall stories always remind me of helping load pigs for market at my uncle’s farm. My aunt got MOWED down, and I inquired about her “hurts.” The reply, “Only thing I hurt was my pride,” said with a hearty laugh…
Comment by Channon 08.14.14 @ 6:21 pmStay clear of the holes….well, hopefully that is a former hole by now, all filled up with dirt and tree. I fell down a hole today, too….spent many hours tossing my stash and deciding who got to stay and who has to go. Sale time!
Comment by Ruth 08.14.14 @ 11:38 pmLeave a comment
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