I was an endlessly bouncy little kid. Were you a bouncy little kid? Weren’t we all? Although: my mom used to call me Tigger for my inability to hold still and my endless jumping up and down in excitement and my three older siblings did not get that nickname before me. (As for the two after, well hey, by then it was taken. Neener neener.)
So someone asked why kids actually need that. And, with thanks to my sister Marian for the links, the answer is that the more kids move, the better developed their sense of balance and strength and their sensory system.
Balance? Who knew? (Can I have mine back? Shhhhh, Alison.)
So someone did something about it. I dearly wish Bouncy Bands had existed when I was a kid in the classroom. No noise, no distraction to others, no leaning back in the chairs because your feet are already busy, lots of energy expended.
The inventor did anticipate kids using them as rubber bands and counsels the teachers to head that one right off from the get-go.
A rubber half-band for your feet to fidget on. Y’know? I could actually put one to use on this chair, come to think of it.
And then someone would have to invent a Fitbit-type gadget to count the calories expended from all that. Silicon Valley: on your mark! Get set! GO!!!
Because I think the inventor of these bands just made himself a billionaire–these are going to be everywhere. I sure hope his patent gets granted quickly. He earned it.
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It was Carolyn who posted the link to the Huffington article about 10 days ago, and the link on the Bouncy Bands (put up by a niece on Hubby’s side) included it on the you-may-also-be-interested list, which saved me the trouble of searching for it–because it immediately came to mind.
I think it’s majorly cool, and proof that the more we look at ‘difficulties’ with a different eye, the more we can find things that make a positive difference.
(Like Piglet, I like the old bouncy Tigger best. Woo-hoo! Have a little bounce today, just for the fun of it. I think I shall.)
Comment by Marian 08.19.14 @ 11:58 pmI’ve said for a long time we have to change children’s environment, not their brain chemistry. I love the idea of standing desks too, but if given a choice I’d chose the rubber bands. Actually, now being all grown-up I tilt my computer chair back and put my feet on the desk. Should be a human right, that. Sitting is SO overrated.
(Funny you were Tigger. I picture you more as Kanga. Still bounces.)
I agree with previous posts: what an innovative way to look at an issue and find a positive, non descriminating way to deal with, to actually help the children.
Thanks to all you family for sharing this information. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 08.20.14 @ 5:32 pmOh neat!! I was a very active child, so I’m sure I bounced… and now, I want to find bouncy bands to try too.
Comment by Channon 08.20.14 @ 6:16 pmHow do I explain this band to our dear granddaughter? We think this might help her focus more on her schoolwork.
Thank you, Karen
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