There were a few pictures this morning that came out like this, of Parker lying down and Hudson staying close to him. Not every moment, but. We knew everybody was tired and that the little ones weren’t sleeping well in a strange place.
But it turns out it was more than that and that Hudson knew his brother needed a hug: Parker wasn’t feeling well and it became obvious on their way home from the airport.
It is amazing to me how much a little kid can run around while running a fever. And here we are after all the joy of the last three days, suddenly too far away to help snuggle him better to comfort them all. (And us.)
2 Comments so far
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So sorry Parker isn’t feeling well. All that visiting must have been too much for him, huh? Praying he feels better soon.
Comment by Jody 09.01.14 @ 5:27 amBe well – all of you!! Poor little guy. It’s no fun to travel when you’re not feeling well.
Comment by Channon 09.01.14 @ 3:01 pmLeave a comment
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