While I finish up one project I’m trying to plan the next. My grandkids need matching sweaters come Christmas and just for fun I thought I’d put a link here to bookmark the Ugly Christmas Sweater (TM) that did itself in in its enthusiasm. With thanks to Richard Thompson, whose Cul-De-Sac strip is the best.
(While thinking, you know, I bet I could get a soundtrack doohickey to stick in a sweater pocket, and and and… oh wait–and wouldn’t the people at church have fun when one of my grandsons pokes the on button sitting hidden in his handknit sweater in the middle of services and wheredidyoufindthat! Okay, never mind then.)
Maybe just a plain t-shirt for everyday.
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Actually, you could do a riff on this book’s sweater pattern and include the book with it: http://www.amazon.com/Terribly-Horrible-Sweater-Grandma-Blossom/dp/0061650935
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 07.10.14 @ 4:03 pmLeave a comment
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