Someone among the empty-nesters and retirees at church decided we all ought to get together and throw ourselves a mid-week pot-luck lunch just because. I didn’t know it was in the works till the invite arrived in the mail.
Hey, any reason to have a good time together is fine by me–I was looking forward to it. Hazelnut torte, anyone?
And then it turned out that one person whom I don’t know well very kindly offered to host it in her gloriously gardened back yard and to cook it all, too. She not only loves to cook, she’s actually a caterer and everything she does is exquisite. No protests about sharing the burden allowed, she was doing this was for fun. And no one would get stuck with vacuuming duty afterwards.
But when I found out the change in venue it meant I had to quietly say to the person who started all this that I wouldn’t be able to make it after all. I’m an indoor cat, shut the door. She was horrified at the exclusion but I said hey, if you don’t live with it you don’t think of it and that’s perfectly okay–it’s actually a compliment, it means they think of me as simply me, not as That Lupus Patient.
Now, I have no idea if anyone else in that group found out anything of that one-on-one conversation or if my situation (which I didn’t mention to anyone else) had anything to do with it. They didn’t say. But Sunday the husband of a third woman in that group tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a beautifully wrapped small gift. As I exclaimed in wonder and looked back at him questioningly–why?!–he simply told me it was from his wife and beat a hasty retreat.
It was a set of note cards that looked like beautiful quilts, so much so that I had to touch the one on top to make sure that it wasn’t actually a tiny one that maybe she had made? (She’s a quilter.) There was no note, no explanation. I was completely blown away.
And of course I used the first one to write her a thank you note. (And had to put off mailing it a day because I had to ask Richard when he got home from work if he had their address in his phone–“The white house on the corner of X and Y” probably wouldn’t have done it for the post office.)
It’ll get there.
And I strongly feel we should have everyone sign another for our catering friend.
2 Comments so far
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Pretty gift, lovely thought. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 07.22.14 @ 9:26 pmWhat a lovely, thoughtful gift!
And it IS a compliment when no one realizes (recalls) you need special accommodations. I don’t mind when the guys forget I can’t carry a large box to the parts room…
Comment by Channon 07.23.14 @ 5:25 pmLeave a comment
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