Filed under: Life
I went to the audiologist and got the wax out of my hearing aids.
Then I went to the doctor and got the wax out of my ears. Which are always responding to the expensive foreign objects in them by trying to flush them out–amazing how much better hearing aids work with clear airways.
“Any other concerns I should know about?” my good doctor asked me.
I mentioned the bit of a bug, the bit of a flare (83/55 bp, I’ve certainly done lower), being a bit tired, but, eh. No big deal. And in passing I mentioned the peaches and the listeria recall.
She said most cases are low-level illnesses that end quickly with no real concern, for the healthy, anyway. But: in rare cases there’s a lag time of about a month and then it can really go to town, including meningitis. “So,” she counseled, “tell your family to be on the lookout in case you start acting weird.”
Start? …Seriously?!
11 Comments so far
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Yes, that term is rather broad. covering a wide range of behavior. I don’t think she was referring to your squirrelly garden antics, though.
Comment by LynnM 07.29.14 @ 12:00 amHow are we supposed to recognize that?
Comment by morgan 07.29.14 @ 5:14 amoh, really? well I suppose one should ask for a more specific definition of “weird”! nothing weird here
Comment by Bev 07.29.14 @ 8:30 amAs to the ears…the family thought my grandmother in the nursing home was going deaf (she was late 80’s early 90’s at the time) until the Dr. pulled big plugs of wax out of her ears. Q-tipping my ears daily is part of the day I can’t skip…my ears feel itchy if I don’t. My dad and at least one brother have said the same thing…isn’t heredity interesting?
Oh let us know when you turn weird…okay?
“Weird” — hmmm. Well, maybe better phrased as “unusual for your normal behavior” but still, pretty funny. Do keep us all advised!
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 07.29.14 @ 5:09 pmNice. I’m guessing that means the doctor isn’t but so worried about your vulnerability then?
Comment by Channon 07.29.14 @ 5:26 pmI’m thinking Don would have had a field day with this post! 🙂
You had me giggle so much, my daughter was asking me what was funny.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 07.30.14 @ 6:19 pmOh my! And, yes, my son’s ears do a much better job when his ears and hearing aids have been cleared. I, though, continue to repeat myself in anticipation of his frequent, “What?”
Comment by Momo 08.12.14 @ 5:58 pmLeave a comment
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