August, pried. (Milk jug offers perspective on size.) Animal-repellent cinnamon branch against the trunk, knocked way over thataway.
On the other hand, I really did want to plant a Loring peach but I just couldn’t justify having two trees producing the same kind of fruit in the same month.
It got so close. We now have two almost-ripe peaches inside on the counter next to Sunday’s tomato knockoffs. After taking out some smaller branches, the raccoon simply lopped off the top more-than-half of the entire tree by its weight, thus putting the August Pride back to about what it was when I planted it with about a third of the leaves it started the spring with.
That was a heck of a pruning job, Rocky.
Should have tracked down and bought some of those bird-netting tree-trunk-protection things I’ve seen a few times.
(p.s. But at least he left my tomatoes alone last night.)
3 Comments so far
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That’s like the dumb kid who tried to jump over our little apple tree years ago, and broke it in two, dangling every branch–every one–from the section left upside down still connected by a thread of bark. There was one nub beneath that break, and it eventually grew into a whole tree. Sounds like you’re left with a better head start at regrowth, but oh, that’s aggravating. So sorry.
Comment by Marian 07.15.14 @ 8:53 amI bet a neighbor would love to have a tree of their own.
Comment by Diana Troldahl 07.15.14 @ 10:08 amLeave a comment
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