Six weeks and I’m ready to be done and go dive into something far smaller and faster.
But first. I need to add a few rows of ribbing–and then this blankie is *done*.
I had ten 100g skeins of Malabrigo Rios (close to the Bobby Blue here in real life) and I could have made it tall enough for my 6’9″ son to curl over his feet and up to his chin as a good afghan should do–and Hudson’s going to be tall–but when I asked him if he wanted it adult size or baby he said baby.
Baby blankets always need to be at least 45″ square in my experience. I’m somewhere around there-ish, preblocking.
So what I decided to shoot for was this, since it wouldn’t be too big: my birthday knitted right into the thing. A little genealogy mystery for the future.
Now, it helps that for me the number of months and the number of days are only off by one number: so you have this many full repeats of diamonds and this-many-minus-one full repeats of diamonds framed by a half repeat at each end, since the diamonds alternate by half motifs. Go look at the pattern framing this blog to see what I mean–it’s that one, with yarnovers instead of the more-solid make-ones.
I like how lots of little diamonds together add up to bigger diamonds, individual within and yet solid and big all at once. Like families.
I know, it’s not very diamondy looking yet. Just wait till it hits the water tomorrow.
4 Comments so far
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What a lovely blanket, baby-size. I really like the baby-sized ones…so fast! I’ll be knitting another soon…grandbaby #2 on its way in January. 🙂
Comment by Pam 07.16.14 @ 7:02 amVery nice! I started a Shelly Kang sock blanket on size 3 needles for my son’s double size bed and hope to be done for Christmas. He did say it’s ok if he gets an I.O.U. in a box though. LOL!
Comment by Jody 07.16.14 @ 7:43 amA blankie made from Mmmalabrigo Rios would awesome in any size. Good job Gran!
Comment by Ruth 07.16.14 @ 12:52 pmYou are such a smart knitter! And a devoted grandmother.
This is an heirloom, for sure!
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 07.16.14 @ 3:25 pmLeave a comment
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