Thursday July 03rd 2014, 11:09 pm
Filed under: Wildlife
Filed under: Wildlife
On a lighter note of utter randomness, just because I’m intrigued: have you ever heard of a Pallas cat before? I sure hadn’t. Here’s a short video of one in the wild captured on camera.
And here’s a long one of some of them climbing through jack o’ lanterns. The size of housecats, tails like someone put hairbands down them, profiles like a monkey’s, fur like an oversized chinchilla, and movements like a squirrel. Too cute.
(Ed. to add, oh wait, did I just post about cat videos on the Internet?)
3 Comments so far
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I am pretty sure they are related to Grumpy Cat(TM).
Comment by twinsetellen 07.04.14 @ 6:11 pmYou didn’t just post ABOUT a cat video, you posted a c-a-t-v-i-d-e-o itself. (Some things can’t be helped.)
Comment by Marian 07.05.14 @ 12:04 amLeave a comment
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