Malabrigo Rios* blankie b
efore the blocking: it looks like the side view of the grater we used to get lemon zest for our clafoutis. Latest batch: fresh blueberry.
(Pro tip: if you use the springform pan out of sheer habit like I did, and you, um, don’t get the bottom snapped on quite right, a quick cookie sheet under there before putting it in the oven and then you’ll have a giant popover! And clafouti too! All of it good and you get to enjoy it sooner, too.
And…the blankie after the blocking. I love how it looks like fireflies coming out to play.
(*Rios means rivers in Spanish.)
3 Comments so far
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Beautiful blanket! I love how a thorough blocking transforms knitting.
Comment by Jody 07.17.14 @ 5:13 amFireflies! This is just the time of year when they provide their light show here.
Comment by RobinM 07.17.14 @ 7:40 amSo pretty! And it may – MAY – have inspired me to finish the neverendingblanket up here too.
Comment by Channon 07.19.14 @ 2:23 pmLeave a comment
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