Filed under: Politics
We were going over elections materials together in anticipation of voting Tuesday. He rolls his eyes at one or two of mine, I roll my eyes at one or two of his and we both fervently wish Jerry Brown, who’s going to win anyway, would drop the crazy-talk high-speed train that will do nothing but broadside a few stray cattle. Oh, and they hope to run it across the designated bike paths to about a dozen schools in our city about $99 billion from now.
But that judge who, in court, asked a criminal defendant for his phone number and a date? Who assessed a $40,000 fine on a construction laborer for letting his worker’s comp insurance lapse? Whom the local bar association declared unfit? Out out out.
Amidst the prose and the impossible be-all-things-to-all-voters attempts, now that California has no gerrymandering and open primaries (YES!!!), the state Voter’s Guide shared the official statement of one Republican: “Most qualified for Controller.” The end.
Well, THAT settles it! Of course! Who else could we possibly have imagined?
Muttering puns about controllerfreaks…
4 Comments so far
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Our school bond issue, which has failed twice by exactly 2 TWO votes, passed by the exact number needed. Shame on those who forgot what their parents and grandparents sacrificed so we could have a school in our little town and more shame to those who did not vote.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 06.03.14 @ 7:06 amDH was the first one to vote at our polling place. He had to certify that the boxes were empty! (I followed 45 minutes later – after I’d showered.)
Comment by Anne 06.03.14 @ 2:20 pmIndeed. As you have heard before, Occoquan reminds me to vote.
Comment by Channon 06.03.14 @ 6:54 pmLeave a comment
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