And family!
Drop off, pick up, oh I forgot my could you get me yes of course I’d be glad to workapartmentphysicaltherapistapartmenttrainstationhomehaircuthometrainstation apartmenthome(onesingle minutebeforethephonerangtogoagain)work–starting at 8 am, grateful for hot cocoa in a travel mug and a family that I love.
And then bacon-wrapped scallops for a quick dinner because, y’know, there they were, just sitting in the freezer waiting for a day that had earned them and today, happy as it was, was definitely the day.
And then finally I got to sit down, hold still, work on the baby blanket, and chat with friends at Purlescence. Good times.
I should have taken pictures–the place looked so different from last week.
They’d been using towering dark brown cubbies inherited from the previous yarn store that I know had had them 25 years ago and very likely a few decades before that, too.
Once the Purlescence crew started taking them down they found out just how past their prime those homemade bins were–the extra bolts they’d put in had held them together just long enough. (To all the Californians thinking earthquake, they’d bolted the sides to the walls, too, as one must.)
There are light wood half-walls now, the yarn hanging on hooks to either side, everything on display and in view. Wow, the place looks so much better. The airflow in the room is better, the lighting is better, the dark caverns that the aisles were have vanished into history and what they call their living room area no longer feels like an isolated corner. I can’t begin to imagine how much work that was to pull all that off in a few days.
But it’s as welcoming-looking and warm and friendly now as its owners are, and that’s saying a lot.
1 Comment so far
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Thanks especially for the description of Purlescence’s new look. I followed their description on Facebook, but it’s lovely to read how it feels from a customer’s viewpoint.
Glad you were able to do all that you did. Glad you got time to rest as well.
Comment by RobinM 06.20.14 @ 4:49 pmLeave a comment
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