Got up an hour early to make sure I wasn’t late taking Michelle to the doctor; her car is out of the running at the moment. Got her home, got Richard to work, got home, had two hours to myself, got Michelle and took her to work down in San Jose because they wanted her to come in today in person and thought as long as I have to wait two hours, I might as well discover Green Planet Yarn’s new digs rather than drive home only in time to drive right back.
The freeway down there, it turned out, was dealing with a major crash, so I thought I’d just do the surface streets from her office to that shop, no problem.
Big problem.
But it had to be… it wasn’t. I at long last pulled over and looked at my Iphone. Maps *click*. Twelve minutes thataway? I’d turned the wrong way.
Ten minutes into that, my phone buzzed and I pulled off again: Michelle said her meeting was cancelled, could I come back at 3:30 instead?
2:45. My phone hadn’t updated my location; I still wasn’t sure I would find that shop nor how long it would take me to get all the way back to her if I did. Traffic was picking up and I knew a lot of it would be diverted as rush hour was starting and after two hours into this trip, the enthusiasm just wasn’t quite what it was.
Forget it. And so, for the fourth and last time I drove through that bad end of town, briefly certain I must have lost a tire to that pothole, heading back to her office–if I could retrace my steps.
Which, it turns out, you can’t.
Just when it looked like my road was ending and was going to dump me into a ramp to the shut-down freeway waitwaitwhat?!, a side arm opened up going thataway and I saw the new sign to the road I’d most wanted to find and knew my way from there.
Six cities, six hours at the wheel by the time I’d picked Richard up from work–and two gallons of gas used in all of that. Go Prius go. (Fully aware I could have been more than halfway to the grandkids in San Diego by that point.)
Settling back in the parking lot at Michelle’s office at 3:03, meantime, I sent her a note saying I was here, I was going to knit, I was simply going to sit tight till she was ready. No hurry. Had lots to do.
She showed up at the door immediately–and confessed she’d only said 3:30 because she thought I was having a grand time at the yarn store and she hadn’t wanted to interrupt me.
I’d spent that *whole time* lost? she asked. Why hadn’t I used my GPS?
I looked at her in what I hoped was gentle–alright, utter in spite of myself–disbelief–and said simply, I can’t hear my GPS.
She looked steadily back at me and asked, With your bluetooth?
The bluetooth.
That connects to my new hearing aids.
And I’d actually remembered to bring the thing. I don’t like to wear it, it’s heavy on the neck but at least it was there in my purse this time, for, you know, phone calls, even though I don’t take calls when I’m driving e v e r . But I’d actually remembered to bring it. This is a rare thing.
The bluetooth connects the hearing aids to the phone and the phone has GPS and I had it right there the whole time and I could have….
And then we both just howled, laughing. What else can you do. The thought of listening to a portable electronic device, much less while driving, I mean, it just never in a million years would have occurred…. Ohmygoodness, I was wiping tears and trying to catch my breath. Ohmygoodness. Just too funny.
Well, I’ll remember next time, that’s for sure.
4 Comments so far
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That’s pretty hilarious. 🙂 There seemed to be crashes all over town yesterday – I had to go from San Jose to Los Gatos and passed by 3 different traffic tangles on my way. My GPS got totally confused and tried to send me to Mountain View!
Comment by (formerly) no-blog-rachel 06.28.14 @ 8:51 amWe don’t let our GPS talk to us. It was annoying. We just glance at it from time to time.
Comment by LauraN 06.28.14 @ 5:57 pmYour ‘ears’ have bluetooth?! How awesome is that?! Wow. 😀
Comment by Idiosyncratic Eye 06.30.14 @ 1:51 pmLeave a comment
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