Skipped out on Purlescence tonight due to a sore throat–a mild one, but why share. Took it easy today.
Re the free range plum, I’m amazed it’s still there, given that I didn’t have enough clamshells to cover them all. (And that clamshelled one might need same tape for when the raccoons show up.)
Things are coming along.
Oh and: this school of rays photographed by National Geographic is amazingly beautiful. But the background music–I’m debating whether it should be nananananananananananananananana BATMAN!!!
Or Jumping Jacks Flash.
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Day 2 and your recipe reminder for clearing drains is still working a treat. So much of being the sole charge position for running a household has me confounded, I forget to go back to basics. thank you again.
Comment by StellaMM 05.30.14 @ 7:01 pmLeave a comment
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