I once read a Dave Barry essay on how women are far braver than men: as proof he offered the fact of his wife sticking her hand down into the kitchen disposal to get something out that was gumming up the works. *He* would never put *his* hand down in that smelly thing, he said; she was his hero.
Totally topping that tonight.
Note to the resident ileostomy patient: you never, never, ever hit that thing before you’ve finished closing the clip. Ever. (I knew that.)
But I did. I’ve been dropping things a lot lately, and that 3.5″-each-way hinged piece of plastic was suddenly the latest, and yelling NOOoooOOO! at it did nothing to dissuade it from washing out of sight.
I don’t even want to touch that horrid snake thing in the garage, but he was willing to. And so we don’t have to spend $150+ on a plumber after all. (It worked. Phew.) And not once did he say the slightest negative thing to me over any of it.
The Barrys ain’t got nuthin’ on my guy.
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Makes me want to hit “love” like we do on Ravelry….
Comment by Beverly 05.28.14 @ 8:03 amI bet he knew you were a klutz when he married you (hee)
All the more opportunities to earn adoration points!
Glad Mr. Plumber doesn’t have to pay a visit, too.
Here I have been wanting the ‘snake like thingy’ for my own plumbing. Shower out is sluggish and I would love to have one! I wouldn’t mind using it – I have ‘work clothes’ and I am sure I could find ‘work gloves’.
I also regularly put my hand down waste disposal in the kitchen, one of the children flushed down a plastic lid – the incessant graunching sound was enough to have me investigating.
Comment by StellaMM 05.28.14 @ 5:16 pmLeave a comment
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