Filed under: Politics
I thought I was going to blog about picking the first two, so perfect blueberries of the season today. Instead I’m going to go political on you for a moment–but wait: there’s something for both sides.
Here is the interview from a year ago with the lead researcher from back in the ’90’s before the funding for what he was doing at the Centers for Disease Control got outlawed by Congress. He spoke with the reporter while it looked, ever so briefly, that his work might finally be a go again.
And here is the interview with the professor of emergency room medicine, a doctor who sees the results of our gun culture on the daily job, who had been one of those CDC researchers into the effects of guns on the American public’s health.
When his funding got cut off, rather than folding up shop, he used his inheritance and his doctor’s salary and by living simply he had the means to keep his team of four going. It was too important not to. He won’t accept donations from anyone with a side in the argument: not the Brady folks, not the NRA people, not Michael Bloomberg, nada (the State of California, though, yes.) It’s too important to him to be able to offer up the findings in a way that nobody can claim is tainted.
You could take someone with a string of misdemeanors and he’ll keep committing nonviolent misdemeanors. But if he buys a gun, the chance that he will commit a crime of violence escalates.
Okay, that didn’t surprise me.
Closing the gunshow loophole would have not much effect.
Okay, that quite surprised me.
There are very strong emotions on the whole subject of gun control. We desperately need an even-keeled voice offering a tallying of what is done–or not done–with the guns that are bought, stolen, or used however and in whatever circumstances. We think we know. Perhaps, though, not so much.
This man’s whole life is about giving us the information we need to have rational discussions on the subject and as we plan for the future. I’ve never been quite so glad that someone had a nice inheritance. He is multiplying its value three hundred thirteen million times over.
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I live in one of the most far-right states, and while I grew up in the country and everyone had guns because of vermin, but it didn’t ever scare me until the NRA started fanning the flames of “kill or be killed.” It’s been a very sad transition to see.
Comment by Toni 04.23.14 @ 7:01 amIt’s good to know that there is research being done that is free of purchased prejudice and politics. 🙂
Comment by Pam 04.23.14 @ 12:18 pmLeave a comment
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