She admitted that she was really hoping for an angel food cake.
“It’s in the oven, honey.”
“Oh good!”
My husband has taught all our kids that the One True Birthday Cake is always that 12-beaten-eggwhites type, and when I made myself a chocolate plain old ordinary one once since hey, it was my birthday and hey, I was the one making it and cake isn’t even my favorite dessert so I was going to make what I was going to make, he was quite surprised at the blasphemy, uttering the memorable “That’s not a birthday cake!”
It is to me. Chocolate it was.
But this is April, which around here means stocking up on a whole lot of eggs. Happy birthday, sweetie!
8 Comments so far
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My mother always made me a white cake with a lemon filling.
Comment by Jane 04.03.14 @ 11:54 pmAdding my wishes to yours! 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 04.04.14 @ 3:38 pmMine is brownies. Or a good loaf of sourdough with really good butter.
Enjoy the celebration!
(and will the yolks become Hollandaise? I’m guessing you are in the middle of asparagus season…)
Comment by twinsetellen 04.04.14 @ 7:19 pmOh, remind me to send you my sister’s adaptation of my mother’s adaptation of a choc cake. Applesauce (my mother) and apple butter (my sister). So moist. Doesn’t need icing. Makes great cake — layers or tube pan — and cupcakes, too.
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 04.04.14 @ 8:40 pmMore birthday wishes. My newest sweet treat is a German Chocolate Cake bar. Think the thinnest layer of floury-base with the richest dark chocolate held together with pecans and coconut… If I find a recipe, I’ll share.
Comment by Channon 04.05.14 @ 9:00 amI just made the most awesome dark chocolate cake with choc cream cheese frosting for a friend’s birthday on Weds. The Youngest, who is home for the weekend, has his day tomorrow…but this momma’s head is such a mess from allergies that I fear I will fail to bake at all!
Comment by Ruth 04.06.14 @ 1:05 pmHappy Birthday! I see that I am a bit late to the party, but sometimes it happens that way. I hope you enjoyed your cake!
Comment by Pam 04.07.14 @ 11:19 amI think it’s actually a law that your birthday “cake” should be whichever baked good you like best.
Comment by Lanafactrix 04.18.14 @ 2:58 pmLeave a comment
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