What I really hope to do is pick and deliver to her in thanks but we’ve got a few months to go on that.
I got a note two weeks ago from a friend asking if I were collecting produce clamshells for my fruit trees again this year?
Yes please?!
She collected them from her neighbors as well as saving her own over that time and gave them to me at the end of church today: not one or a few but twenty-eight identical ones, cleaned, dried, and stacked. Wow.
I went straight home and turned on the oven before I’d even found all the ingredients. I couldn’t use my own blueberries yet but I certainly had some in the freezer (right?) Yes I did.
And so a few hours later, hopefully after dinner was over, a phone call: “Will you be home the next few minutes?”
I got quite a kick out of her little girl jumping as high as she could to try to get the full view of that warm blueberry cake in her mom’s hands as she stood in the doorway of their apartment and her little boy who climbed up on a chair in hopes of being high enough up to see it, too. Cake! The baby recognized me and grinned and toddled a tad uncertainly towards us–he’s walking! Look at him go!
I told her, “I think they taste better the next day”–and added, “but it doesn’t have to wait that long.” She looked at her excited little kids and laughed, shaking her head, “Probably not.”
I got a glimpse of their happy household that reminded me so much of our own family back when I was a young mom like that.
Y’know? I should bake more often.
4 Comments so far
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Oh yes, shared baking is always more fun. I hoped to try Sam’s chocolate chip cookies this weekend, but didn’t get to baking anything. I intend to mid-week as I’ve got a friend that “needs” gluten-free chocolate. 🙂
Comment by debbier 03.17.14 @ 11:28 amThat looks like a great recipe. Thanks for the link!
Comment by RobinM 03.17.14 @ 4:40 pmAnd once more, I wistfully think how nice it would be to live near you and bring you clamshells. All for the cake. 😉
Comment by twinsetellen 03.17.14 @ 7:31 pmLeave a comment
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