From Books Inc last Thursday to literally, knitterally, books inc: they increased.
There is a monthly Friends of the Library sale and the Monday after there is often a books giveaway to clear out the leftovers. Notice is posted on
I hadn’t seen those notices in awhile. Were they waiting for the time change and more daylight? I have no idea.
I forwarded it to our ward’s chat list, and lo and behold: the daddy and daughter who were just inside the door last night receiving chocolate torte were just inside door #2 tonight at the former high school as I came in through it. They were quite happy to have heard about this. They were just on their way out and glad to get a chance to say thank you on the spot.
Bring boxes and bags, the notice had said.
No need, thought I, I’m only going to get one or two books, max, I can certainly handle that in my knitting bag.
One twist in that plan was the staff person who was disappointed that a handful was all I was taking: the thing was about to end and please, she pleaded, couldn’t I take more? There are some good ones here if you’d like cooking. Knitting? Crafts, right here.
They don’t say it, but from what I understand the majority of never-claimed books end up in the landfill. One can understand a bibliophile’s plea that they be rescued.
The books vs cane was–well, I didn’t hit anyone all those times I dropped them–and I put the first batch in my car and dove back in. Hardcover James Herriott! Wallace Stegner–still here! And I got there after people were loading up full pickup loads on my way in. A photographic expedition of a river in West Virginia that Debbie would surely love to have (it’s yours, Debbie). Another by someone who boated down the Merrimack River, which runs behind our old neighborhood, and the writing seems to be good enough to spend more time on.
The second trip to the car made it seventeen books and at six minutes to closing, arms aching, I decided I’d better give it a rest.
There will be more Cooking With Fruit happening around here shortly, no doubt.
3 Comments so far
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I do most of my reading on a kindle these past few years…but I love books. I love the way they look and feel and smell. If I had a house with a library, I would fill the shelves to overflowing.
I can’t wait to see what fruit recipe you will try first!
I bought a book called Rustic Fruit Desserts just before Christmas, and it looks marvelous. Have fun with yours! We can swap our favorites.
Comment by Marian 03.11.14 @ 2:02 pmI’m so far behind in reading blogs lately but so happy to be catching up with yours. I’m madly envious of your peaches, especially as we anticipate yet another snowfall tomorrow. And I’m thrilled that you found a book for me. Our WV rivers have taken a beating lately. I’m so happy you thought if me when you find a WV river book. I think I have your email. If not I’ll message my address to you on Facebook. Thank you!
Comment by Debbi 03.15.14 @ 6:53 pmLeave a comment
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