So how was your day? he asked.
Well, I finished the purple cowl I was working on on our trip down yesterday–I’d had about an inch on it before we left, it was about 2/3 done when we got home, and today I finished the knitting waiting at the lab; I rinsed it and now it’s blocking.
“I never saw a purple cowl, I never hope to…” he teased me with an impish grin that finishing that line might get him in trouble and skipped over to, “But I can tell you anyhowl…”
Re the lab. I guess the hyper- and hypo- thyroid autoantibodies evened themselves out: my counts that they affect are back in the normal range. No surgery and no thyroid meds needed at this time.
6 Comments so far
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Hooray! So happy for you, and your purple cowl. Love it!
Comment by DebbieR 03.04.14 @ 12:08 amSending a prayer of gratitude!
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 03.04.14 @ 6:46 amwonderful to hear that those tests came back in the normal range
(and laughed out loud at the purple cowl line — thanks for the smile!)
Comment by Bev 03.04.14 @ 9:31 amSo nice when all your system’s misfires cancel each other out! Every so often, you win out. May it be so for a good long while.
Comment by Marian 03.04.14 @ 12:52 pmReading through a backlog of your posts, wanting to take the time to comment but not really having it, but having to comment here – hurrah! for balance!
Comment by twinsetellen 03.14.14 @ 9:17 pmLeave a comment
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