The cherry tree has woken up over the last week or so.
The older-than-us Meyer lemon keeps on offering more.
The olive tree is feeding the squirrels and jays, and judging by the wildly-flailing tails and paws and leaps to safety, the tastiest parts are at the outermost tips of the very flimsiest branches. *headdust*
The plum tree set a fair amount of fruit despite being rained on during most of its blooming, while the apples are holding off just, just a little bit for the late rains expected this week. Starting tomorrow! (Oh thank goodness.)
The pear tree is slowly stirring and coming to.
The peaches continue one after another after another in the expected sequence of future ripening.
The three blueberries are in their dogcrate of a cage. Sit! Stay!
The Fuji has four flowers openĀ and the other apple almost has its first….
A little rain, and we’ll take all we can get. A little sunshine.
I look forward to being able to tell the grandkids to go pick whatever they want when it’s ripe. And still there there will be room to run around and play in as they get bigger and the trees do too. And to climb on.
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