I found Chris S’s link: it’s here. The penguin sweaters story has gone viral again, and no, they don’t need penguin sweaters–but a wildlife rescue center north of San Francisco could make good use of knitted baby bird nests.
I spent today laughing over a good book, mentally thanking Stephanie for every word and marveling over and over at the feeling like I had a double out there in the world.
We moved to California in March of ’87, coming from intense cold and old grayed snow everywhere (and 269 miles southeast of Montreal) to blooming and spring and as green as it gets here. Paradise. I’ve told the story before of juicing up the oranges from the tree in our new backyard and everybody taking a swig together–
–not knowing what a Meyer lemon was nor that as they get ripe, they round out and smell orangey. They’re less tart and have more complexity than the usual grocery-store Eureka lemon, but they are definitely lemons.
I figured it would be great to squeeze some in her tea back in her hotel room. While not wanting to impact her luggage overly.
So I picked just the one: a little roundish, a little bit of orange, a few leaves still attached. I told her I wanted her to have the full March-in-California experience in her brief fly-in-fly-out here. (I didn’t add, I so remember what March in New Hampshire was like.)
Stephanie was delighted. She took a deep whiff and asked if it was an orange or a lemon?
(Boy did I know that question…) A meyer lemon from my tree, I said. (I also gave her some dark chocolate-covered edemame for vegetarian munching on the run, but anyone anywhere could do that.)
I wanted to get a picture of the two of us but forgot to hand anyone my Iphone for it. Ah well. Next time. Keep writing, Stephanie, keep writing!
And thank you Joe and the girls for lending her to us. She is treasured.
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Glad you are smart about the linky things – I’ve got no talent in that direction. Guess I could learn, but there’s lots of other stuff I’m more interested in.
Thanks for putting that out there – I thought it was a pretty cool idea.
Chris S in Canada
oh yes the Meyer lemons are one of the things from CA I miss most (along with the fact that about now I’d be seeing the beginning of buds on my rose bushes)
how wonderful that you shared that with Stephanie
Comment by Bev 03.08.14 @ 10:41 amLeave a comment
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