The Maine idea?
Friday February 28th 2014, 11:42 pm
Filed under: Non-Knitting

Anybody else own these? Anybody else with any experience who can weigh in? Or know anybody?

It’s not just the fact that the bottoms are white, which is a new thing to me. And one would notice that part more because of that. They do come a little far forward from the rest of the shoe compared to my other Birks and I’m afraid of tripping over them–so far, I’ve only tried them on so I don’t know.

I bought them via Amazon and Amazon directly and not a third-party seller; I noted that the promise on their page of free returns vanished after I’d placed the order. Huh. Note to self: save a screenshot. Who knew I would need to.

The price was $107 off so clearly they were someone else’s return, and I don’t mind because they seem to be the real thing and brand new. (Not to mention the price jumped right back to retail after they arrived.) But after trying them on, I went Googling for images to see if mine were an anomaly? After a quick glance, they don’t seem to be.

They’re growing on me–I do need a pair of closed-heel shoes, unlike all my other Birkenstocks, and these will do quite nicely. And they do need to be Birkenstocks: the shaping across the bottom of the foot steadies my shaky balance.

It’s just–I’ve never had a pair of shoes before with buck teeth.

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They look comfy and cozy. Are they?

Comment by Jody 03.01.14 @ 7:02 am

chuckle. Do you have to brush them before going to bed?

Comment by twinsetellen 03.01.14 @ 9:45 am

Nope. Never seen them. However, wondering if shoe polish or even permanent market could color the white? And, if the protrusion does cause issues (read various reviews that said there is a considerable break-in period) could a shoe repairer shave off a little? That’s my tooth cents. 🙂

Comment by DebbieR 03.01.14 @ 6:41 pm

Hmmm. I do have closed toe, closed heel birks because we need them here. (and they are the only kind of shoes I can wear) but not this pair. I have old ones that are so well broken in and have quite changed—they were that suede-ish nubuck leather and when that looked bad I started using leather protector on them and finally this year I polished them with a dark brown polish (what we had on hand). They now look like shiny leather and much newer than they did. I have worn the bottoms slick, which isn’t good here, but the new ones I have are taking forever to break in. Much stiffer as they are the cork with the rubber/plastic bottoms and the old ones were all one piece softer plastic. The new ones have thicker leather too which should last a long time but is stiffer.
I wonder if you can locate a shoe repair person that does Birks out there? They might be able to trim, shave or buff the toes a little more snubbed off? They might be trippy. They won’t stay bright white, they will mellow nicely, but the tripping part would be a problem.

Comment by kmom 03.01.14 @ 7:51 pm

Can’t help as I’ve never seen them before, but I do hope you are able to enjoy them.

Comment by Channon 03.01.14 @ 8:59 pm

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